Bean Mountain White Half Runner


±35 seeds


Bean Mountain White Half Runner
Phaseolus vulgaris

Climbing shelling bean. Requires a 2-meter-high support. Delicious small white beans, to be harvested shelled or dry. Shells easily. Early and very productive. An ancient variety grown by German settlers in the Dutch Fork region of South Carolina. Hence its other name, Old Dutch Half Runner. 90 days to maturity.

Full sun, well drained soil. Direct sowing after the last frost or indoor sowing 10 days before. 2 cm deep and 20 cm apart.

Germination: 99% in December 2024
Ecological seeds produced at Catherine’s Ornamental Garden.

Described as a 3-foot semi-pole that can even be grown without treillis. But given the height of our plants, over 8 feet, we recommend support… We’ve also read that the beans, still green and young, make good little eaters. Unless you have the patience to remove the threads, in our opinion, this bean is far too fibrous to be enjoyed as a snack. It’s at its best in the shelling or dry stage. The small white beans have a soft, creamy texture, the skin is very thin and the flavor excellent. Not to be confused with White Half Runner, which is a Phaseolus coccineus runner bean.


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